Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Shit I find Hilarious!

Everyone has their own unique sense of humor. I, myself usually have the sense of humor of a young teenage boy.  Although I do also enjoy more mature and intellectual humor, but not nearly as much.  Below are some of the things I find Hilarious!

CAT Humor...

Hilarious Cat Video - Click it!

When some Trips and/or Falls...
I love when someone trips, it's not the actual TRIP or FALL that is funny but the surprised look on their face as they quickly look around to see if anyone saw them.  God, That's Greatness!

When I was like maybe 12 or 13, my cousin and I were at a popular water park.  We were walking along talking and thinking we were cool as all teenagers do and all of a sudden I slip in some very slippery watery sludge.  I did not FALL! I want to be clear, I slipped and went ALMOST to the ground but I came back up snapping my fingers and my cousin looks over and is like "what are you doing?" I say "I'm dancing!" all matter of factly like SHE's the crazy one!  That was over 25 years ago and she still brings it up to this day, then laughs hysterically!

I love drunk people, not the crazy obnoxious ones that vomit in your car and curse out your dog for looking at them or demand an apology from a lamp THEY knocked over.  The fun drunks! The ones that start buying you drinks and tell everyone in the bar that they love them.  Most of all, I love drunk friends.  That is the best when your friends are drunk and they either start crying and confessing things you can use against them later or they come up with crazy ass ideas that you let them do, so you can film it and put it on You Tube and of course if they pass out you will draw on them or dress them up and take pictures...

 A few random things that made me laugh my ass off...

There are so many things that I find funny, it would take forever to list them all.  Like, Will Ferrell movies or old pictures of my friends and I from the 80's or when people on FB spell shit all wrong, etc..........
Just so many things, but you get the idea.



  1. No 80's hair pics?!! Dammit. Love the beat a motherfucker with another motherfucker! Classic.

  2. Hilarious! I've always said my "inner child" is a 5th grade boy!! Fun blog!
